Silent Auction

2018 auction items will be featured on this site as they become available! Check back often!

Auction proceeds benefit the Women’s Fund Endowment, which makes annual grants to programs/initiatives that serve women and girls in the South Central PA counties of Dauphin, Cumberland, Franklin, Lebanon, Perry, and the Dillsburg Area.

Want Free Advertising?

Please consider supporting the event by creating and donating a themed gift-filled purse (i.e. date night, cats, dogs, beach/summer, spa day). These items could represent hundreds of dollars in auction funds raised. Donated purses and items should be new.

If you or your business donate an auction item, the women in attendance at the Power of the Purse will see, feel, hear, and talk about it! Also, your business may receive great exposure leading up to the event, as we will spotlight auction items and donors through social media, email blasts, and media outlets.

Donation Delivery

All donations should be delivered to TFEC no later than August 17, 2018. TFEC’s office is located at 200 N. 3rd Street, 8th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17101.

Please be sure to include any marketing collateral, brochures, and relevant details about the item(s) you donate to make sure we include an accurate description for potential bidders.

Zachary Moore Music Memorial Fund

"TFEC is family to us. It means a lot to have the fund at a place where people cared about Zachary when he was alive, and care about this memorial fund that we’ve established in his honor."

Pillars with Purpose

"TFEC has a can-do attitude. They're invested not just in getting the job done, but also emotionally invested—which makes for a great partner."

Owen's Fund

"I think it's really important that we have a structure and an entity like TFEC to help the community thrive."