Resources for Mental Health During the Pandemic

Let’s talk about the Coronavirus.

To view the full blog post and learn more about how to talk to your kids about Coronavirus visit:

How To Talk To Kids About COVID-19

In a time of video conferencing, social distancing, and quarantines, you may not know how to express what you’re feeling. Here’s why it’s important to acknowledge the grief you may be feeling, how to manage it, and how you can find meaning in it.

Let’s talk about how you’re feeling.

To view the full blog post from Harvard Business Review click the image below!






BR Staff/d3sign/Getty Images

To view the whole article from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) click the image below!


Mindfullness builds resilience. We are all faced with extra time on our hands and faced with uncertainty. Why not use that time to develop some skills that help us pay attention to our thoughts feelings and surroundings as they occur. This is mindfullness in its simplest form. Here are three principles to keep in mind:

Deliberate Preparedness

We need to be careful, not panic. Be careful with your hygiene, health, and avoid non-essential contact.


One lesson that is central to mindfullness is compassion. Taking care of yourself is taking care of another. We are not alone.

Be Kind To Yourself

Taking care of your mental health right now is essential. What can you do?

  1. Limit your exposure
  2. Practice careful hygiene
  3. Be prepared with food, water, and medicine
  4. Boost your immunity and manage your anxiety with meditation. Visit for free mindfulness resources and guided meditations

What can you control during


This photo was sent in to Riverside Trauma Center from Vicky Sherwood from Emmaus Family Shelter who found this graphic from You can learn more about Riverside Trauma Center by visiting their Facebook page by clicking HERE. Or their website by clicking HERE.

The Self-Care Wheel is an empowering and positive tool for helping professionals to manage stress, increase contentment, and life satisfaction. With over 80 self-care exercises and healing modalities included, the Self-Care Wheel is a great beginning for your own personal and sustainable Self-Care plan. Visit for more info.