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The Fund For Women & Girls
Giving hope. Creating change.

The Fund for Women and Girls was created in 2000 to broaden the awareness of, and respond to, issues affecting women and girls through the power of collective philanthropy. Women and girls around the world are inordinately represented among the poor, uneducated, and abused. Without a focused effort to combat the issues that face them, they will remain among the underserved. Our vision is of a community where they are afforded the right to live in safety, meet their basic needs for living, have the opportunities to pursue their dreams, and are inspired to experience the value of philanthropy.
Our Impact
in charitable grants to nonprofit organizations serving women and girls since 2008
women & girls served within our region since 2008
Join The Dream Team
While the Fund for Women & Girls was established in 2000, The Dream Team was established in 2011 with a goal and purpose of encouraging individuals to make a gift of at least $1,000 to create a permanent $1 million endowment. From the endowment, annual grants are made available to local nonprofit organizations that provide services to women and girls in the South Central PA counties of Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lebanon, Perry, and the Dillsburg Area.
Becoming a member of the Dream Team provides hope and creates change for women & girls in our community forever. Memberships are customizable at any level for up to 5 years.
Join TodayDream it. Change it.
“I strongly believe in women helping other women, and providing access to supports and opportunities through programs like this helps touch lives right here in the communities we share in.” -Julia Brinjac, Dream Team member.
Since 2008, the Fund for Women and Girls has granted $520,714 to nonprofit organizations in the South Central Pennsylvania counties of Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lebanon, and Perry, and the Dillsburg Area, serving women and girls with programs focusing on self- sufficiency, health, human services, diversity, equity & inclusion and education. These grant programs have previously served over 17,000 women within our region.
As we look forward to the celebration of the Fund’s 25th Anniversary this year, we would like to recognize and thank our many donors and volunteers who have tirelessly supported the Fund since its inception. Their generosity and commitment to the cause is boundless.
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