Agency Match Campaign Toolkit & Guide

All you need to know to use this toolkit to help you run a successful match campaign can be found on this webpage!

Steps to Take:

  • Announce Participation. Let your donor base know that you will be participating in this exciting opportunity and ask for them to help you meet your goal! Looking for ways to get the word out? Use the attached toolkit to get started!
  • We’ll Be in Touch! TFEC team members will touch base with you monthly beginning in February to see how your campaign is progressing and answer any questions you may have. Don’t feel like you have to wait for us to check in with you, though – we are available by phone or email at any time!

Toolkit Pieces

This toolkit includes the following samples, designed to help you get the word out about your campaign:

Sample Press Release. This can be used to draft a press release for your organization announcing the opportunity.

Sample Social Media Posts. These can be used to draft social media posts about your campaign.

TFEC Logos. The two logos below can be used on any materials you create having to do with the campaign. When possible, use the full color logo.

Media Release Form. Use this when taking photos at any events you host related to the campaign. We hope you will share your photos with us, and we would love to use them! The media release form will allow us to do so.

Brochure Template. Update this with your brand and use it to give your donors more information on ways to give!

Important Dates to Remember

March 1 – Campaign Starts

Any donations made to your Agency Endowment Fund beginning on this date will count for the Matching Campaign.

September 1 – Campaign Ends

This is the last date donations to your Agency Endowment Fund will count towards the Matching Campaign.

September 18 – TFEC Centennial Gala

Totals raised and match disbursements will be announced at TFEC’s Centennial Gala taking place at WITF Media Center.

Zachary Moore Music Memorial Fund

"TFEC is family to us. It means a lot to have the fund at a place where people cared about Zachary when he was alive, and care about this memorial fund that we’ve established in his honor."

Pillars with Purpose

"TFEC has a can-do attitude. They're invested not just in getting the job done, but also emotionally invested—which makes for a great partner."

Owen's Fund

"I think it's really important that we have a structure and an entity like TFEC to help the community thrive."